Pilates – Bonus Class – Morning Mobility

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As with all fitness and exercise programmes, when using these exercise videos, you take responsibility for your own safety. To reduce and avoid injury, you should check with your doctor before beginning any fitness programme. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision, you are performing them at your own risk. Jane Mackenzie will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this fitness programme, online fitness videos and information shared on this website. This includes videos, images, text and emails. Your continued use of this service means you agree to these terms.

PILATES EQUIPMENT FOR SALE (Click here to learn more.)

Equipment is not essential for Pilates (although a suitable Pilates mat is a very good idea), and all exercises can be performed perfectly well without blocks, exercise bands and balls. Additional equipment can be very helpful though as you progress, enabling a wider variety of exercise variations, including more challenging ones. Some of these I will show you as alternatives in these classes. If you would like to purchase any of the equipment you see me using, please visit our online shop (opens in new tab):


Pilates Equipment For Sale

This is a short 12 minute mobility routine, designed to increase length in the body and mobilise the joints. It can of course be completed at other times during the day if you don’t have time to complete a full length class, or if you just want to loosen up a little before or after a busy day.

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If you haven't already, please first visit our Introduction Page, which contains some important general information you need to know before you first start classes.

Class Sections

As with all my face-to-face classes, this online class has been broken down into four sections*. It is very important that we always warm up before a class, and also to stretch at the end, in order to return our muscles to their original length, so please make sure you carry out both of these sections. Depending on how much time you have though, you can do either the balance work, floor work, or both, but please carry out the sections in the order listed.

- Warmup
- Standing balance work
- Floor work
- Stretches
(* Special 30 minute focus classes will follow bespoke formats.)

Exercise Repetitions

- Complete up to 4-8 repetitions of each exercise in the warmup, and 10-12 repetitions should be sufficient for the standing balance and floor work exercises, but more or less can be completed depending on your level of exerperience or fitness.
- Complete the moves slowly to reduce the use of momentum, keeping full control of your body as you move in both directions.
- Think about your breathing and try to breath out when the body is moving, and in when you stop.
- If any of your joints hurt, do not force the moves, stop and message or call me. Always contact me if you have any questions!


- Hold stretches at the full range of movement for 15-30 seconds then release.
- Never 'bounce' a stretch!

OK, so let's begin. First read the guidance notes for a section, then click anywhere on the video below it to start it playing. Once finished, proceed to the next section.

Morning Mobility

Click here to close/open additional guidance

When you are completing this routine be aware of how your body feels and where there is any tension through the body. Awareness is the first part to making improvements. Also, be really aware of your posture so you stand tall and set yourself up to remind your muscles where they should be standing and balanced. Use your breathing to flow with the movements throughout this routine.

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