Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 17th June 2024

Hello Everyone I know I have been saying it a lot, but it really does look like the weather is finally perking up. So, this email is mostly about doing our Pilates and walking outside. What kit to bring to class the next two weeks Week commencing 17th June –...
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 28th April 2024

Hello Everyone I hope you have had a good April despite the showers, and it’s been so lovely to see some of you socially too over this month; you know my sayings are ‘exercise and socialise’ and ‘stronger together’. We have definitely applied both recently, with our...
Etchinghill Pilates Social Walk and Lunch

Etchinghill Pilates Social Walk and Lunch

Some photos of our lovely walk and lunch below!… Over the years our Pilates family has grown dramatically, and we now also enjoy walks and social events together outside of classes throughout the year. We have a WhatsApp group to share events and chat, as well...
Pilates Can Reverse Osteoporosis

Pilates Can Reverse Osteoporosis

DEXA scan T-scores, ranging from normal to low (osteoporotic)For more information on osteoporosis, it’s risk factors and what you can do to help yourself: Please read my article: Osteoporosis and Exercise. Pilates with Jane Mackenzie to improve bone density...
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 6th April 2024

Hello Everyone I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. It’s warming up a bit now, even if we are still getting a bit of rain! In this newsletter, learn about my recently passed Level 4 qualification, my forthcoming charity swimathon, our next Pilates social walk, and...
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 23rd March 2024

Hello Everyone Spring is officially here! Which means longer days, warmer weather, and more opportunity to get out and do the things we love together, including our Pilates, of course! I’m really pleased that so many of you are now back and taking regular classes with...
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 17th February 2024

Hello Everyone I know this can be a time for hibernating, so well done in getting out in the bad weather to keep up your Pilates; I do love seeing you all! Let’s use this cold, wet time to really focus on our health. Exercise is so important for our physical and...
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 12th January 2024

Hello Everyone and welcome to 2024! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, but I’m sure you’re now looking ahead to the coming year, and all the exciting things you have planned – I certainly am! And of course, whatever activities and events these may...
Benefits of Pilates – U3A Presentation

Benefits of Pilates – U3A Presentation

Benefits of Pilates. A presentation to U3A Hythe, given by Jane Mackenzie on 10th January 2024. Many thanks to Nick Taylor, who kindly arranged for leading Folkestone, Hythe and Sellindge Pilates instructor Jane Mackenzie to give a presentation to U3A Hythe; a...
Pilates Classes in Sellindge Kent

Pilates Classes in Sellindge Kent

Now taking bookings for our Pilates Classes in Sellindge. Leading Pilates instructor Jane Mackenzie teaches safe, effective Pilates classes suitable for all levels, at Sellindge Sports and Social Club on Tuesday  mornings at 10.45 am, and Wednesday mornings at 9.30....
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 10th December 2023

Hello Everyone Nearly there! And it’s has been such a pleasure to spend a bit of time socially with those who came to the Christmas meals. What a treat, with lovely restaurants, food and company! I don’t know about you, but it has definitely put me in the Christmas...
Kent’s Leading Pilates Instructor

Kent’s Leading Pilates Instructor

Jane Mackenzie – Kent’s leading Pilates Instructor. Jane Mackenzie is Kent’s leading Pilates instructor, and here’s why… 1. Exercise Professional Jane has been an exercise professional for over 35 years. As well as a professional fitness...
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 27th November 2023

Hello Everyone I’m starting to feel a bit Christmassy, and do love this time of year! I’m really looking forward to seeing those who are coming along to the Christmas meals out over the next two weeks.  We have the largest ever number of you coming to the meals this...
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 29th October 2023

Hello Everyone Firstly, a big Thank You to everyone who kindly contributed to our food bank donation this October. I’ve taken everything in now, and this will make a real difference to people’s lives. I plan to run another collection in late January. What to Bring to...
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 1st October 2023

Hello Everyone As we head into the autumn months now, some of you are changing to come to day classes rather than the evenings, and it’s great that we have that flexibility for you to do that. Also, do remember you can switch to an online Pilates class if you ever...
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 27th August 2023

Hello Everyone As the summer days get shorter and many of you have had your holidays and are thinking of settling back into your autumn routine, we have some exciting changes coming up… What to bring to class w/c 28th August – Abs, Release, and Stretch We will be...
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 14th August 2023

Hello Everyone Those who have been on holiday or taking time out to be with family, welcome back to your Pilates classes! I know I have been saying summer will arrive soon, but I do believe we are going to be outside this week for those classes with an outdoor space....
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 20th June 2023

Hello Everyone It was so lovely to see some of you for the walk recently, and for our Outdoor Pilates last Saturday. We have another Outdoor Pilates this Saturday 24th June 8.30 am, and the weather is looking great again! Click here for more information....
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 5th June 2023

Hello Everyone Anyone with Back Niggles? We’ve decided to add my special ‘Back Health Toolkit’ free of charge to the services provided to 24/7 Online Pilates members. If you have a niggly back, or have had back problems in the past, these specially designed...
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 25th May 2023

Hello Everyone Spring has turned into summer now and we can enjoy this glorious sunny weather more For those where we have outdoor spaces we will be going outside if the weather is suitable. We go outside at Hythe Cricket Club, the first class at the Three Hills,...
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 23rd April 2023

Hello Everyone We have been teaching our Pilates classes with you face to face for six years now, and online for three. Well done everyone who comes to classes and social events, and helps continue to build our Plates family. I am so lucky to do what I love, and to...
Newsletter 17th June 2024

Newsletter 10th April 2023

Hello Everyone I hope you have had a good Easter weekend and haven’t been overdoing it in the garden! It’s lovely to see the flowers coming up and the blossom on the trees, and a bit of sunshine, too! Weights Class – This Week From 11th April This week we shall be...

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